About CBCC
The Comprehensive Breast Care Center prides itself on experience and dedication to the preventative screening and early detection of breast cancer. We specialize in digital imaging and analysis provided by a team of Board Certified Radiologists and highly trained staff.
We utilize the best medical imaging solutions available today to tailor each exam to your individual needs. Since we analyze the exams ourselves we are able to provide prompt results and deliver them to your physician.
With three locations, one in Aventura, in North Miami and another in South Dade, the CBCC is easily accessible from all mayor roads and highways, making it the most convenient digital mammography center for anyone in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area.

3D Mammogram
You have a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer. But you can reduce your risk further with early detection and the latest 3D technology.
Get the most advanced detection at Comprehensive Breast Care Centers. We’re the only center in South Florida offering new 3D technology for breast cancer screening—Breast Tomosynthesis.
What is Breast Tomosynthesis ?
It’s 30% more efficient than digital mammograms, with 3D imaging to help us find abnormalities more accurately and more quickly. We love the clear picture it gives our doctors. You’ll love the peace of mind it’ll give you and your family…
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