CDI Miami | Monday January 13, 2020

Types Of Mammography- An Overview

Types Of Mammography- An Overview


There are basically two types of mammography namely film-screen mammography and digital mammography. The digital mammography is also known as full-field digital mammography or FFDM. The technique for the mammogram Miami is the same for both of them and the only difference is either the images are taken in the digital files which are recorded directly onto a computer or photographic films.
What Is A Mammogram?
It is a non-invasive breast exam, to detect any breast diseases and breast cancer, so they could be treated timely. In a mammogram, a mammogram expert uses a specially designed machine to take breast X-rays in which the machine is used to compress both the breast between two plates to get a clear picture of the breast tissue. Then that x-ray is sent to a radiologist for reviewing the images taken in mammogram to find any abnormality.
A mammogram is considered the screening exam by the doctors to identify any masses or abnormalities in the breasts. However, a mammogram is incapable to determine if these abnormalities are cancer or not. The doctor after viewing the mammogram tells if any additional testing is required.
Here are two types of mammography used to examine breasts.
Conventional Mammography
In the traditional mammograms, they create diagnostic images using low-dose X-ray Miami system for inspecting the breasts. It is frequently done to monitor the breasts and for early detection of any breast diseases in women and is the most used method of medical imaging for detecting and diagnosis.
Digital Mammography
It has replaced the traditional X-ray film, in which a digital chip is used to record various breast images. Only this method has made it possible for viewing breasts images on the computer. The digital mammograms have very fast image acquisition times with less exposure and do not cause any discomfort to the patient. The first step of Breast health screenings is digital mammograms to spot breast cancers well than the conventional mammograms in main age groups of women. Women who are aged less than 50 and have dense breasts should get done mammography frequently.
The latest 3d mammogram is an advanced array of technology being used for the detection of any breast disease which allows the physician to differentiate between cancerous masses or tissues. With 3D mammography, one can view layers of the breasts, through which the radiologist can accurately interpret the images. 3d mammogram use has significantly proved to lessen the wrong positive callbacks and is completely precise in identifying breast cancers in the early stage.