CDI Miami | Thursday March 21, 2019

Suffering from any abnormal brain conditions? Head MRI can help you detect the cause

Suffering from any abnormal brain conditions Head MRI can help you detect the cause


If you are suffering from certain brain conditions, your doctor may suggest you for MRI of the head portion. Head MRI is a painless and non-invasive procedure that generates images of the brain and brain stem. These images are quite detailed and help doctors detect the underlying cause of the abnormal conditions occurring in the body. MRI Miami creates pictures of the brain with the help of magnetic field and radio waves.

This scan is different from a CT scan and x-ray as it does not use radiation to generate the images. Pictures are created in 3-D form as this scan combines different images to create the one detailed image. The internal structures of the brain are detected carefully thus it is a more effective procedure than other scans as it can even see through the small sections of the brain such as brain stem and pituitary gland. Sometimes a dye or a contrast agent is given to the patient that helps in better visualization of some brain abnormalities.

Following conditions can necessitate for MRI

There are certain brain conditions, which must be detected before they turn into any serious disease. These abnormal conditions may include tumors, cysts, infections, hormonal disorders, brain stroke, spinal cord injuries, blood vessel issues, etc. The doctor may also recommend head MRI if you are suffering from symptoms such as weakness, seizures, severe headache, dizziness, behavioral changes, and blurred vision.

MRI scan Miami can also detect whether you sustained any injury or harm from a stroke. Also, people who are supposed to undergo brain surgery can also go for functional MRI of the brain. This type of MRI is responsible to identify areas of the brain that control body movement and speech functions.

Things you must know before going for an MRI

Before undergoing an MRI scan, you must share certain things with your doctor such as if you have inner ear embeds, pacemakers, vascular stents, or artificial joints in your body. The medical staff in the MRI lab can also ask you if you have ever got injured with metal shrapnel. These things can affect the MRI scan so it is crucial that you must discuss such kind of conditions with your doctor.

Pacemakers and implants can stop functioning properly due to the powerful magnetic field used in MRI scan. You may be asked to remove any kind of metal items from your body such as jewelry, watch, or sunglasses etc. As metals hinder the smooth process of taking images hence they are asked to remove before an MRI scan. In case you are claustrophobic, the radiologist may conduct open MRI Miami that can be tolerable for you.