CDI Miami | Thursday October 5, 2017

How to Spot the 9 Symptoms of Breast Cancer, and What You Can Do About It.


Breast cancer is diagnosed in a person in the UK every ten minutes, while one in eight women will develop it in their lifetime. Most women who have it are over 50, but it is possible for younger women to suffer too.

Men can also develop it, with one in 1000 being affected in their lifetime. While breast cancer survival has doubled in the last 40 years in the UK there are still steps people can take to lower their risk.

According to the NHS, it is vital women check their breasts regularly for any changes and always get any changes examined by their GP.

As the likelihood of getting breast cancer increases with age, all women who are aged 50 to 70 and registered with a GP are automatically invited for breast cancer screening every three years.

There are nine breast cancer symptoms, however, you should never ignore and if you are worried see a doctor immediately.

Nipple shape

You should look out for any changes in the shape of the nipple. It is normal for them to swell throughout your menstrual cycle, or when you are pregnant and breastfeeding.


A new lump that doesn’t go away after your next period could be a sign. According to the NHS, 90% of breast lumps aren’t cancerous, but it’s always be to have them checked by your doctor.

Nipple Discharge

A symptom could be discharge from one breast.

According to the NHS, the discharge could be bloodstained. It could also be milky, clear, yellow, green or brown, and the consistency can vary from thick to watery.


Unexplained redness swelling, skin irritation, itchiness, or rash on the breast could also be a sign.

There is also a rare skin condition, Paget’s disease of the breast, that can be an indicator of an underlying breast cancer.


You should pay attention to swelling or a lump around the collarbone or under the arm.

This could be when breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes in those areas.

Inward turning of nipple

Retraction or an inward turning nipple could be a symptom. A change in the appearance of your nipple, such as becoming sunken into your breast.

Breast size

There could be an enlargement of one breast.

Breast cancer can cause either sudden or gradual asymmetrical changes in breast size.

Many people naturally have breasts that are slightly different sizes, if they start to change sizes you should seek medical attention.


Dimpling or tethering – a small dent on the skin – of the breast surface especially when you lift your arms above your head. This should be easily observed when standing in front of a mirror.

Orange peel texture

A dimpling on the breast skin that looks like orange peel could be a sign. It could be a symptom of a rare Inflammatory Breast Cancer, so pay close attention if this comes about.


If you are looking to schedule a 3d mammogram in Miami, Aventura, or anywhere else in South Florida, contact CBCC today. Call 1 (800) 371.0002 for more information on Breast MRIs, digital mammograms, and more.