CDI Miami | Thursday February 8, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions About MRIs

In general, how long does the MRI examination take?

CDI offers a wide range of imaging procedures. On average, the actual MRI exam usually takes about 30 minutes for each specific procedure.

How do I prepare for an MRI exam?

To be the most comfortable, you may want to wear clothes that are loose, warm and without zippers or metal buttons. Before you enter the MR suite, you will be asked to remove all jewelry (including all piercings) and empty your pockets. For your convenience, you may want to remove these items before your arrival. If you require specific instructions regarding your procedure our staff will provide the additional information when you schedule or a staff member will contact, you personally. Please inform our office if you have a cardiac pacemaker, cardiac stents, aneurysm clips, or are pregnant.

What can I expect during the MRI procedure?

MR images are formed by the computer processing signals that are emitted by body tissue. The MRI equipment is used in a specially designed room. You will be asked to lie down on a padded table that will glide you into the scanning area. You can have earphones and music if you desire. You can breathe normally and will notice a knocking or humming sound during the imaging process. During your MR procedure, you will need to be as still as possible to endure the highest imaging quality possible. Depending on the examination being performed, you may require a contrast injection or be given additional instructions by the technologist.

Can I move during an MRI examination?

You will need to stay as still as possible during the procedure. MR is very sensitive to even the slightest movements; therefore, you will not be able to move during the actual acquisition of the imaging process. In addition, you will not be able to make any adjustments to the body part being imaged after the technologist has positioned you. Before moving, ask the technologist if you can make a slight adjustment, such as adjusting your arms or legs, in order to make yourself more comfortable during the procedure.

Can I bring a friend or relative with me during my MR examination?

You may bring a friend or relative into the MR suite during your procedure to make yourself feel more comfortable. Prior to entering the MR suite, all individuals MUST be screened for entry. The friend or relative will also be asked medical screening questions to ensure their safety prior to them being able to accompany you during your procedure. Each individual entering the room will be inspected for metal items such as hairpins, watches, hearing aids, credit cards, etc. prior to entry.

Is the MR machine loud?

Different MR machines make different types of noises. The higher the field strength, the louder the noise. The noise originates from the operation of the gradients in the machine which are used to actually produce the MRI images, can range from faint humming to a loud knocking sound. The technologist will provide you with earplugs to increase your comfort during the procedure.