CDI Miami | Monday February 18, 2019

3d mammogram- an effective advancement in digital breast imaging

3d mammogram- an effective advancement in digital breast imaging

The 3D mammogram has proved to be a successful breast imaging technology as it involves the combination of 2- dimensional mammography with 3D views. Thus, it provides you with improved and clear views of the breast tissues and helps the doctors detect the problems easily and effectively.
The procedure is also known as tomosynthesis which is a revolutionary tool in the medical industry that offers early detection of breast cancer. This procedure is used in collaboration with the 2D mammography using the same positions. Multiple images of the breast are taken in order to produce a clear image of the breast. 3D mammography is used when the patient has no signs or symptoms of breast cancer, or in case to identify the underlying cause of breast problems such as pain in breasts, breast mass or nipple discharge.
Combining 3D mammography with 2D can provide effective screening results
Going for 3D mammography reduces the need for repeated mammograms: If doctors detect some abnormalities during a standard mammogram, he may suggest you for additional imaging tests. Going for mammograms, again and again, can be too stressful for the patient as it may consume extra time and incur additional costs. However, if 3D mammography and 2D are combined, it prevents you from follow-up imaging.
The 3D mammogram has the potential to detect more cancers as compared to standard diagnostic mammogram alone. However, combining both can result in effective screening and helps the doctor detect minute cancers easily.
The women having dense breast tissues can go for 3D mammograms as the 3D image helps the doctors see beyond the dense breast tissues. The dense breast tissue and cancers appear to be the same on the standard mammogram which makes it difficult for the doctors to detect breast cancer.
Certain risks associated with 3D Mammogram
Although 3D mammography is a safe procedure, exposure to radiation may be more when 3D mammography is conducted along with 2D. So the radiation level may be more as compared to the standard mammogram alone. However, the latest machines nowadays can develop 2D and 3D images simultaneously which reduces the amount of radiation. Diagnostic center Miami is well equipped with the latest machines and technology, so you must visit the center and consult the doctor regarding mammography.
In addition to this, sometimes a 3D mammogram is not able to detect cancer that is present in the area not visible in the imaging. However, it is an effective tool to diagnose cancer at an early stage and can literally save the life of an individual.